Get to know the MPA Board!
Mark Guzman
As a Milwaukee native, I spent a lot of my younger years visiting the Mitchell Park Domes. The Domes have always been a cherished memory for me and as an adult I still go there and create new memories. I wish to see the Domes preserved for future generations to visit and enjoy.
In 2021, while I was completing my Masters of Public Administration, I was a part of the Young Nonprofit Professionals Network’s (YNPN) Milwaukee Chapter. It was through YNPN that I learned that MPA was looking for a new board member. I saw this as my opportunity to get involved with preserving the Domes, while advocating for other social justice issues, such as affordable housing. Milwaukee has a storied history equal to that of New York or Chicago, or any other major metropolitan center. To lose Milwaukee’s historic buildings is to lose the story of how Milwaukee was founded and its impact beyond its boundaries. |
1. What three words best define you?
Creativity, Imaginative, Innovative
2. What is your guiding principle?
My guiding principle is to work towards social and economic equality for all global citizens.
3. What is your favorite book? Movie?
My favorite books are Aftershock by Robert Reich and Reality is Broken by Jane McGonigal. My favorite movie is Clue.
4. What’s one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
Before I returned to school, as a non-traditional student, I worked for 12 years at a convent.
5. What is your favorite free time activity?
My favorite free time activity is playing video games.
6. What is one of your favorite places in Milwaukee? Outside of Milwaukee?
My favorite places in Milwaukee are all our great parks. I have traveled around the world, and my favorite place outside Milwaukee would be either Ottawa or Toronto, Canada.
7. If you could become a fictional character for a day, who would it be?
Luke Skywalker
8. What inspires you and why?
What inspires me are thought leaders who work vigorously to achieve social change and are always advocating via multiple platforms.
9. What do you see as the future of historic preservation?
I see the future of historic preservation being greater community collaboration on preservation advocacy. I think people may see a landmark and know the property is owned, therefore assuming the site is being maintained and preserved. It is necessary to do outreach to help the public understand the complexities of preserving a site.
10. Why should people support MPA?
I think people should support MPA because we are more than just preserving historic buildings and landmarks, we are also about saving green space and improving communities.
Creativity, Imaginative, Innovative
2. What is your guiding principle?
My guiding principle is to work towards social and economic equality for all global citizens.
3. What is your favorite book? Movie?
My favorite books are Aftershock by Robert Reich and Reality is Broken by Jane McGonigal. My favorite movie is Clue.
4. What’s one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
Before I returned to school, as a non-traditional student, I worked for 12 years at a convent.
5. What is your favorite free time activity?
My favorite free time activity is playing video games.
6. What is one of your favorite places in Milwaukee? Outside of Milwaukee?
My favorite places in Milwaukee are all our great parks. I have traveled around the world, and my favorite place outside Milwaukee would be either Ottawa or Toronto, Canada.
7. If you could become a fictional character for a day, who would it be?
Luke Skywalker
8. What inspires you and why?
What inspires me are thought leaders who work vigorously to achieve social change and are always advocating via multiple platforms.
9. What do you see as the future of historic preservation?
I see the future of historic preservation being greater community collaboration on preservation advocacy. I think people may see a landmark and know the property is owned, therefore assuming the site is being maintained and preserved. It is necessary to do outreach to help the public understand the complexities of preserving a site.
10. Why should people support MPA?
I think people should support MPA because we are more than just preserving historic buildings and landmarks, we are also about saving green space and improving communities.